Post on X: Even I, who value freedom, democracy, and the rule of law, think Biden has pushed democracy too far.
For example, the Summit for Democracy forced the world to choose between democracy or no democracy, which encouraged the division of the world. Biden also didn’t handle his friendship with Xi Jinping well. Xi is greedy, but Biden pushed Xi away by competing with Trump over his policy toward China in the 2020 presidential election. In doing so, he ruined his friendship with Xi which he had invested years in since the Obama administration, which speaks to his lack of strategy. Trump is different. Playing politics based on deals may be a problem, but what I have learned is that pushing your ideology too far is more of a problem because not all countries can agree. That alone is disrespectful to other countries. There are two sides to everything. And since nothing can be said for certain in these unstable times, we will have to let the results speak for themselves. But for now, at least, I think I understand why Trump is loved by leaders hostile to the US like Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. That’s because Trump gives them the respect they don't get from Democrats and neocons. That’s why, Trump’s diplomacy can be politically risky, but that’s why, other countries want to get close to him. They probably think that Trump “gets it”.
Post on X:
I don’t like it when people agitate unnecessary fears and anxiety to begin with. There are some perspectives that are often ignored such as: - The cost of attacking the enemy alone is enormous. That’s why you don’t like it, but same goes for the enemy as well. If the situation escalates, Russia will have no more soldiers left to fight for themselves unless they use their own people, but in that case, Putin regime would collapse. - As a colonial state, the Russian Federation is composed of many ethnic groups. Some say the number exceeds 200. Others, such as the international forum I’m a part of called the “Free Nations of Post Russia Forum” advocate the independence of 41 nation states within Russia. Considered "ethnic groups" under Putin's rule, these nation-states are revolting against the Putin regime and Russia's entire history of genocide and oppression. Russia has historically belonged to them, not Putin. Putin’s great friend Xi Jinping does the same in this regard as CCP-led China has colonized Tibet, Uyghur, and Southern Mongolia, recently swallowed Hong Kong. Furthermore, China is now on its way to take Taiwan and Senkaku Islands of Japan as well. They are expansive colonizers. Putin does not want to evoke real history as he has weaponized history. He even lectured Tucker Carlson for half an hour. No wonder the Russian Supreme Court recently declared the Forum a “terrorist organization.” The truth is inconvenient for Putin. Xi Jinping also calls Uyghurs who stand up for their country and their land terrorists. - If the enemy attack us, we will counterattack them. The problem we’re facing today is because that hasn’t been the case. Biden didn’t send a military signal of power and rather, he repeatedly demonstrated restrictions on his own side which is strategically wrong - statement of no WWIII, no cross-border attacks etc. With Trump’s victory, all countries involved are shifting accordingly. In the event of a counterattack, if done correctly without Biden’s nonsense, the enemy's losses would be great, both at the military level and at the level of civilian life. There are people among the enemy that oppose the war even without the “ethnic groups” I mentioned above. If Russian civilians are attacked, they will rise up regardless of Putin's oppression. - The enemy calculates whether it’s beneficial to destroy our land. Why do we not consider that the enemy will exploit our economic chain or make us economic slaves? For example, China, led by Xi Jinping, puts the Uyghurs in concentration camps, controls everything while forcing them to do forced labor, and their organs get taken out for medical purposes, as there are various candidates managed in the camps to be a match. Their organs are healthy with their diet, too. Why do we talk so much about attacks and not think about what happens afterwards once we’re colonized? - The Middle East situation might scare you when you look at what Israel is doing, but that is a little different than usual. Because terrorists are blending in with civilians - that’s a tactic even seen in Asia back in the day such as the Chinese soldiers that didn’t wear military uniform on certain occasions. They use hospital, school, and so on as their shields. In order to fight them, you have no choice but to attack them all. Are you afraid of vice versa? Do we expect our soldiers to hide among us to literally dodge the bullet? Attacks can be random, though, to show power and so forth, and they’re happening. But we should learn to see the political intent and messages as well. In fact, if you look into the war between Ukraine and Russia, you can see their focus on infrastructure, military bases, or key regions. Those are not random. Even the enemies have learned a lot of things along the way. They’re not stupid enough to waste. The broad term "war" is convenient for political agitators, but we need to be clear about what we are really talking about and what we are really against. Post on X:
Just like the US, today in Japan, professors, teachers, lawyers, reporters, and other elites are often left biased. Why? Because the Japanese patriots, about 200K were purged due to the loss of the WWII. Patriotic parts of Japan’s textbooks were literally inked out. As a result, naturally, the Japanese system afterwards is anti-Japan. That’s part of the reason why Shinzo Abe’s first admin slogan was to “break free from the postwar regime”. So it’s understandable that the left is powerful in society while the right is powerful online. In Japan, “resistance” side is the conservatives that even want to re-write or revise Japan’s constitution. The left, however, wants to keep it even though it was written by their enemy at the time. The left on the top of that, wants to destroy Japan’s traditional values believing that the standards of the “world” are liberals because that’s who they are friends with even in academic field, media field etc. Right after the WWII, Japanese conservatives were against having US bases in Japan because they were living in the continuation of the history, but the Japanese studied more and more, even talking to Americans, and realized both Japan and the US had Soviet Union spies and we were rather forced to fight each other. Japanese conservatives also learned that the US republicans/conservatives didn’t want to go into war and Roosevelt became the POTUS by LYING to the American citizens saying that he would not send their sons to the battle field. There was the necessity for him that Japan provoke the war. Thus, Japanese conservatives are frustrated with the US democrats historically, too. While the Japanese left is brainwashing the people in Japan using the mass media and education system, the right is fighting back with our own media outlets and individual outlets. The left often speak English well and the right don’t usually do. We conservatives are disadvantaged in many ways like these, but at least, there are many of us, and therefore, on the Internet, we are dominant against the left. Young people will be exposed to our side more and more. Things are looking a little more hopeful for us than before. Xの投稿
ウクライナ支援において、日本人がトランプを否定的に捉えたくなる気持ちは分かる。 だが、これまでのバイデン大統領の言動(第三次世界大戦突入の否定など)や中途半端な支援(越境攻撃の制限など)、そして弱々しい態度こそ、リアルタイムで批判されるべきであったのではないか。 何かと国際世論は、米国がどうこう、と米国主体で物を言う。米国の関与の仕方上、そうなるべくしてなっているものの、そもそも欧州のヤル気が問われないとおかしい。国防予算をぐんぐん上げているポーランドを見れば分かるが、意外とヤル気次第なのだ。トランプが次期大統領に選出されて、ようやく他の欧州国も本格的に焦ってきたようだが、その点を踏まえても、やはりバイデンの弱腰は罪深い。もっと早く、欧州を詰めるべきだった。 国際舞台で要となっている米国の求心力が低下するのは、勿論自由主義陣営にとって良くはないが、例えばEUを離脱した英国はパワーを発揮したがっている。時間はかかるのかもしれないが、欧州のみならず、インド太平洋においても通ずる日英米同盟という土台づくりにシフトするのが重要だし、今はその過渡期にあるのではないか。 日本は、第二次世界大戦の戦後で感覚が止まっているが、時代遅れもいいところだ。世界のパワーバランスは変わりゆくものであるという前提が抜けてはいないか。変化を恐れ過ぎではないか。 誰が大統領になっても、米国の求心力が低下すると専門家たちが指摘している程、世界の前提は変わりつつある。 もちろん、トランプのウクライナ対応がバイデンのアフガニスタン撤退のようになってはいけない。だが、バランスが変わりゆく世界の中で、トランプをウクライナ支援において悪者扱いするのは、お門違いなのではないか。それは米国に解決して欲しいという甘えの裏返しではないのか。全てを委ねてどうするのか。 日本は、ウクライナ支援を自国の国益のためにこそ行っているはずなのだが。米国に言われて行っているのではない。 何より、米国の求心力の低下は、本来、対米自立したい日本にとって好機であるはずだ。その点を踏まえた我が国のビジョンや理想論がいま語られもしないのは、どうしたことか。 理想論と現実は、必ずしもペースは一致しないが、国会や言論空間で、裏金、不倫、SFなどと叫んでいる暇があるならば、少なくとも、日本の経済を立て直すための議論の時間は十分に確保出来るはずだ。有限である時間を自ら無駄にしていながら、言い訳を並べるのは愚の骨頂だ。 安倍元総理を暗殺したテロリストの主張である旧統一教会ネタを引きずり、岸田政権下で憲法改正に漕ぎ着けなかったのも、実に非生産的であった。 我が国は、自ら時間を無駄にする天才なのである。そして、その責任を、何故か時代遅れな世界観で米国に押し付ける大馬鹿者なのである。 我が国は、我が国としての理想と意志を持ち、我が国独自の課題に取り組まなければならない。 精神面において、米国に依存することに慣れてはいけない。 心や理想を失った民族は滅びる。 |
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