Post on X: In Japan, we avoid disagreeing with the people we talk to. In political & business meetings, the groundwork is laid in advance, and meetings are often ceremonial. Why? So that no one gets hurt. Faces are saved. We have a culture that values harmony. Acceptance is also key. It is also said that having "Omoiyari" is a good deed.
The word omoiyari is made up of two parts: omoi, which means "thought", and yari, which comes from the verb yaru, meaning "to give" or "to send". The word literally translates to "sending one's altruistic feelings to others". Basically, it means to put yourself in the shoes of others. It would be translated as thoughtfulness, compassion, etc. Lately, I feel that this concept is fading as our lifestyles are becoming saturated with a materialistic environment. Nevertheless, it is still considered the ideal attitude when communicating with others. Similarly, "sumimasen" is a common expression in Japan. “Sumimasen” is often used in conjunction with a bow of apology or appreciation. It can be used in a variety of situations, such as “excuse me”, “I'm sorry”, “Thank you”, or getting someone’s attention. We wouldn't be surprised if a full-time employee says "Sumimasen" dozens of times a day. Because this is our culture, we frequently apologize for mistakes we did not commit. The worst case scenario is that our politicians sometimes apologize to other countries as well. However, as you can tell, this only gives the impression of guilt because of the different cultural backgrounds in other countries. This is one of the reasons why we have had issues in Asia. We are in the process of learning how the international community works.
歴史的に敵を見誤る天才であるアメリカという国の中で、プーチンのプロパガンダに飲まれている人たちから、「お前はディープステートのプロパガンダに飲まれている」と言われる時の私の心情を誰か悟ってはくれやしないか。 日本は、極端なごく一部を除いて、右も左も、政治家も民間人も、みんなウクライナ全面支援なわけであるが、それは先進国の間では異常なのだろうか。 「ウクライナ支援だから、お前はこうに違いない」「ウ支援だから、お前はプロパガンダにやられてる」といった主張を日欧米人に日々浴びせられる。私としては、日本の在り方をディスられているような気分である。 日本は、台湾と香港についても意見が破れない。 チベット、ウイグル、南モンゴルについてもそうである。 国会議員も超党派で取り組む。 民間に関しては、保守側で「人権活動家」と自称し出した私と主人の功績として一部自負している(その昔の保守は「人権」アレルギーだった)。 ...というのはさておき、殖民地支配における人権弾圧に苦しむ外国の人達に対して、日本人の間では右も左もないわけで。 島国日本とは、悪いものだと思っていたけど、国際情勢を見る時の客観性や学ぶ姿勢、そして心の温かさは、実に素晴らしいと思う。 外交面で、文化的なお人好しが祟ることが多いものの、近年だいぶ主張するよう変化した。それと同時に、他国に寄り添う「心」が日本の保守側にも左派側にも当たり前にあることが、殺伐とした国際社会で当たり前ではないのだと痛感させられる日々であるので、日本に生まれた幸せを改めて感じている。 米国なんかは、右派の自覚の範囲内では自国に余裕がないから、その分尖っていて、矛先がこちらに向きやすいのかもしれない。しかし、日本だって経済状況や今後の見通しがかなり厳しい。 それでも尚、戦争の惨禍や自然災害被害を通じて痛みを知っている日本人の「支援したがり」な姿勢は、日本人の心の温かさをやがて再び日本人のたくましさに変えていくのだろうと思う。見捨てられない、一緒に苦労する、何かしてあげたい、(あわよくばこちらのことも助けて欲しいわけだけど笑)そういった国民性は、日本の強さであると私は思う。 日本は米国の合理的な文化と違って、やはり心の文化だと思うのだ。 そんな日本が国として付き合いやすいのは、正直、国際政治の捉え方が近い米国のネオコン系だろうとよく我が夫婦の間で話をする。しかし、仮にそんなことを話題に出すと、「お前はDSの手先だ」と現地人が言ってくるのが目に浮かぶ。米国内の問題点の深刻さは理解するが、それは、日本の政策の方向性においても、日本の国民感情においても、直接は関係ない話であって。だって、我々は日本人であって、米国人ではないので。日本には日本の考え方があるので。 その辺の、それぞれの国の立場や都合を理解しない、ネット上でアクティブなガチガチの欧米の右派は、付き合い方が難しい。 彼らと同意をしないと、彼らは「お前は分かってない」と言ってくる。 まぁ、日本にも一部そういう極端な層がいるので慣れてはいるけど。 (あまり人のことばかり言える程、私も熟した大人ではないので自省も含めて反面教師としないといけないが。) そんなこんなで、海外の右派とは、ネタ投稿で何となく友達になるくらいしか出来ない(苦笑)。 介入してくれる左派とは、実際の活動が一緒に出来たりするので、これまた不思議なものだが。 と、散文になってしまったボヤキでした。 Post on X: Japan & Turkey have loved and helped each other for many years 🇯🇵 🇹🇷
Turkey has a rich culture and a pro-Japanese attitude. I’m not sure about the current President Ertuğrul, but let me share the general backgrounds. The origin of the friendly relations between Japan and Turkey is the Ertuğrul shipwreck in 1890. I’ll give you the full story after the summary. During the Iran-Iraq war in 1985, the Turkish government sent a special Turkish Airlines plane to help Japanese people. At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the Turkish government dispatched an aid and rescue team to deliver canned food, water, blankets, and other relief supplies to the affected areas. At the time of the Turkey-Syria earthquake in 2023, the Japanese government dispatched an international emergency relief team to the region to conduct search operations, provide emergency relief supplies, and provide emergency grant aid. What was the powerful origin that let us have the friendly relations? It goes back to the end of the 19th century. Abdülhamid II, Sultan (Emperor) of the Ottoman Empire (predecessor of the current Republic of Turkey), who was dissatisfied with unequal treaties with European powers, planned to send a goodwill mission to Japan in order to conclude an equal treaty with the Japanese Meiji government, which was also troubled by the attitude of European powers. The plan was to send a goodwill mission to Japan with the aim of concluding a treaty of equality with the Japanese government. On their way back on September 16, 1890, strong winds and high waves caused by a typhoon ran aground and sank off Kashinozaki in Kushimoto-cho, Wakayama Prefecture, killing 587 crew members. However, 69 survivors were rescued due to the strenuous rescue efforts of Oshima islanders. This incident was published in Turkish history textbooks and is widely known in Turkey. The locals also searched for and collected the bodies of those who had unfortunately passed away. Donations were also collected from all over Japan for the survivors. About a month after the accident, the survivors were sent back to their home countries after completing their treatment. Initially, Russia, not Japan, offered to take care of the transport of the survivors. However, when this matter was reported in the newspapers, public opinion turned against them, saying, "Why leave it to the Russians? The survivors should be sent back to Japan by Japanese hands. At that time, there were no airplanes. The Japanese Navy had just been established. Dispatching two warships with nothing to spare would have consumed a huge amount of money and created a power vacuum, so it was a major decision for the Japanese government of the time. The following year, on January 2, 1891, "Hiei" and "Kongo" arrived at the port of Istanbul, then the capital of the Ottoman Empire, and were reportedly welcomed with heartfelt gratitude by the Turkish people. The year after the Ertuğrul was lost, a monument was erected in the town of Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture, overlooking the area where the Ertugrul sank. Since then, memorial services have been held many times. Although the memorial service was interrupted once during World War II, it is still held every five years in cooperation with the Republic of Turkey. === -Story of Ertuğrul was cited from: 100年越しの恩返し トルコ×日本の“奇跡の絆”を導いた「ロシアには頼るな」という世論 2024.06.23凪破真名(歴史ライター・編集) ▶︎ -Image from the same article captioned: “The crew of the "Ertuğrul" receiving medical treatment (Image: Kushimoto Town)” 🇯🇵 🇹🇷💕 |
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